{ Where Waters Meet }

John Franks

Where Waters Meet 
by John Franks

Set in the mythical village of Watersmeet, in post-Medieval Britain, two dramatic stories unfold. Allhan travels through a vast forest, and returns to the world he once knew. Changed by his experiences, and struggling to regain his memory, he meets Elgiva, a farmer's daughter. Can they forge a new life together?

Interwoven is the story of twin brothers Alaric and Alsoph Cooper, growing up in the village of Watersmeet. As young men, their polarised natures exert an extraordinary influence on the local community.

Events come to a passionate and violent climax, consequences of past actions take root in the present and devastating choices are made. Connected yet separate, the characters in Where Waters Meet journey through time and landscape, to a create a mystery that will enchant and haunt.

Read an interview with John talking about Where Waters Meet on Female First.
John has also been interviewed in Durham University's Palatinate.

Official book launch video at Foyles for author John Franks and his debut novel 'Where Water Meet' Friday 11th October 2013.

Where Waters Meet: John Franks, the official author video

Where Waters Meet Cover

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