Just Published ‘Prince George & Master Frederick’ by Rosalind Freeborn 

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Alliance Publishing Press – the independent hybrid publisher for the new publishing era

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{ about APP }

APP publishes in four broad areas: mass market fiction, non‑fiction, business and personal/memoir. Each area has its own needs, and as such we field a team tailored to each publication.

We believe in working in collaboration with our authors to help publish a book we are all proud to be associated with. So our first question is always to find out what you, our authors are hoping to achieve. We then discuss our ideas in combination with your response and our expertise in the publishing and bookselling market.

“A small but mighty publisher”

Helen McCusker – book publicist at Booked PR

{ how we work }

APP operates a straightforward hybrid business model, pricing each element of the publishing process separately for you to understand and agree.

Our publishing process covers:

Editing: We strongly believe that an author’s writing benefits from independent editing and proof reading. We use a number of qualified editors/proofers to ensure your manuscript achieves its full potential.
You may also wish to use our Literary Critique service to have your manuscript professionally assessed for strengths and weaknesses within your genre.

Design & Production: APP offers a bespoke design service for the cover of your book where three designs are created for your approval. We also design posters and invites for book launches, producing original and eye-catching publicity material.
Through our international printers Ingram Lightning Source we publish paperbacks in industry standard sizes. We also publish in e-format for Kindle other readers and Audible.

 ISBN Registration: We discuss and agree the category under which your publication will be registered. It is then listed with Nielsen for wholesalers, and retailers as well as Amazon for online sellers.

Marketing & Promotion: We understand the importance of metadata and identify the best keywords and phrases that help to promote your book to a potential audience. With the modern day importance of digital promotion and social media, depending on your budget, we can help you access the right channels to achieve what matters to you most – growing online audiences, engaging with readers and generating book sales. Through industry lists of publicists we can also advise on the most appropriate PR Agency to help promote your title for maximum exposure across the traditional media promotional platforms.

Contracts: We offer a complete and transparent service so that all negotiations on publishing and subsidiary rights are easy to understand and the level of royalty paid is fair to both author and publisher.

Private Publishing: You may just wish to print your manuscript for private distribution. We are very happy to assist in this way and have successfully helped with the publication of a book that served as a memorial project.

Prince George & Master Frederick - Rosalind Freeborn
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The Furture is Rosie – Carolyn Mayling
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“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

– Ernest Hemmingway

{ APP people }

The APP team is a formidable blend of experience and expertise. Particularly adept at working to tight deadlines and even tighter budgets, you can be comfortable that the people who work with you will have just the right mix of skills.

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Janet Weitz

Publishing Director

Janet has worked in publishing for over eighteen years and has been running APP for fourteen years. Now with fifteen authors published covering the memoir, fiction, poetry and business genres she brings ideas for book titles and descriptions.
Having previously run a multi-million pound business and consumer research company Janet’s eye for detail with the written word helps authors hone their manuscript to publish a book they can be truly proud of.

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Jo James

Publishing Consultant

Jo has spent the last thirty plus years working throughout all aspects of the book trade from small independents to world-wide chains. Her event marketing background brings a wealth of experience to the company, particularly when interacting with publishers, authors, event management personnel and bookshops.
Jo acts as a consultant on potential book title, cover description and registration. Following publication Jo prepares title and author details for inclusion in APP’s Rights Catalogue.

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Mark James

Design Consultant

Mark is a multi-skilled graphic & web designer, with over thirty years experience, able to span all aspects of both the print and digital platforms. He has worked extensively within the publishing and book trades, as well as many other related industries world-wide, covering all aspects of design, branding, print and promotion. 

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Olivia Clements

Publishing Assistant

Since 2019, Olivia has worked on several publications contributing to the editing, title registration and Print on Demand publishing process. Olivia also brings strong expertise in social media, having worked on many of APP’s titles across different genres.

Alliance Publishing Press Ltd 
1 Golfside Close, Whetstone, London N20 0RD
Registered in England No. 7741029

Copyright © Alliance Publishing Press Ltd 2025

Website by: WORKSHOP65