{ Flight of the Faithful }

Marian Gold

Flight of the Faithful 
by Marian Gold

It’s 1492 and Spain issues an edict forcing everyone to convert to Catholicism or face expulsion. Sephardi Jew Jacob ben David, his wife and young sons leave Toledo for Lisbon. Five years later the Inquisition spreads to Portugal so Jacob and family must emigrate once again.

They cross the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas to Naples then take another boat to Messina Sicily. Changing their name to Campofiori and religion to Catholic they purchase land and for over one hundred and seventy years settle as successful olive growers and wine producers.

In 1669 Mount Etna erupts destroying everything so descendant Ravaelo Campofiori, wife Bianca and family are forced to flee. They are persuaded to travel north to Bavaria where there might be employment. The journey is treacherous and they struggle against cold and hunger, often begging or stealing food to survive. After almost three years they arrive in Protestant Bavaria and encounter discrimination as Catholics.

Meanwhile Ravaelo is attracted to Judaism the faith of his ancestors but keeps this a secret. After retiring from everyday work, he embarks on a final journey where his discoveries have dramatic repercussions for the whole family.

Though rooted in history this family saga of love loyalty and faith resonates as much today as it did in the past.

Flight of the Faithful Cover

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